Pijat Urat is a Balinese massage technique that is completely different from the rest. This technique is a combination influenced by Chinese Medicine which includes work on the meridians, stretching, and manoeuvres based on the concept of energy flow circulating throughout the body. It is a real Balinese massage in its rarest and most authentic of the forms. Both energizing and relaxing, this massage is rejuvenating and allows you to maintain a good physical condition.

This profound traditional technique empowers spiritual healing & brings in an energetic balance. It is an alternative combination of diagnostic reflexology, body mapping & bodywork therapy to unearth positive energy flow and harmony of the chakras. This massage includes gliding pressures all over the body along the routes of muscles, tendons and energy circuits. A good amount of pressure is applied which produces relaxing, energizing, circulatory and energetic effects.

Benefits of Urut Pijat

    •  Overall well-being
    •  Relaxation of the body and mind
    •  Works on circulatory disorders
    •  Helps reduce cellulite
    •  Body contouring
    •  Softens skin tissues
    •  Disperses areas of tension
    •  Positively affects blood circulation and lymphatics
    •. Revitalizes the body and allows muscle relaxation
    •  Makes the skin softer and more supple

Apart from this, there are other massage techniques that are very effective with their strong Balinese roots. 

Check out our different massages to choose the one that suits you the best. Don’t worry, we may not be open right now due to Covid-19, but you can buy this massage as a gift voucher, or in Balima Credits to use when life returns to normal. We will all deserve a break and some time to rejuvenate!


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