5 Reasons your skin loves VCO

Virgin coconut oil (VCO) remains hugely popularity throughout the world as an edible cooking oil and a natural hair tonic. There are also numerous benefits when used on the skin as is traditionally used in Bali and other tropical climates, with an increasing amount of scientific research in support. As the main ingredient in Balima’s Massage & Body Oils, we thought it appropriate to share the top 5 benefits of VCO for your skin.



Before we begin, it is important to understand the main components of VCO:

  • Saturated fats (medium chain fatty acids or triglycerides): these fats help cell hydration by eliminating moisture loss via pores of the skin.
  • Capric/caprylic/lauric acid: similar to saturated fats but these stable fatty acids contain strong disinfectant and antimicrobial properties.
  • Vitamin E: a well-known contributor towards healthy skin with antioxidant properties. Essential for skin growth and repair.
  • Proteins: VCO is rich in many proteins, all of which contribute to rejuvenate the skin by improving cellular health and tissue repair.

Top 5 Benefits:

Keeping the science part in mind, here are the reasons we’re sure that your skin loves VCO:

  1. Softener: the saturated fats in VCO are excellent in retaining moisture thus keeping the skin hydrated and smooth to touch.
  2. Skin Protectant: when applied to the skin, the fatty acids in VCO help the skin’s defense by reducing the chance of a bacterial or microbial infection in the pores.
  3. Anti-ageing: rich in Vitamin E (the great anti-oxidant) thus provides growth, repair and cracking prevention. Consequently, this helps slow down the aging process and prevents wrinkles, hence why Balima adds extra of this gem in our oils ;).
  4. Skin Tone: for damaged skin cells, proteins guarantee their replacement. Whereas protein-deficiency prolongs this and often develops more obvious scars due to the extended healing time. VCO is also known to be an effective emollient that helps various disorders from itchy and dry skin (e.g. eczema, psoriasis).
  5. Stability: the fatty acids in VCO are stable and don’t become rancid. This means when applied to the skin it can work for longer, especially if mixed with an essential oil for its aromatherapeutic benefits (e.g. Cool Bliss Body Oil – peppermint & vanilla).

Putting it into Practice:

In terms of the application on the skin, the key thing to remember with VCO is that a little goes a long way. A small amount provides a protective shield on the skin that lasts a long time. The skin can only absorb a certain amount, therefore once this layer is created it will not let anymore oil in. Many people make the mistake of using too much so remember it is not necessary to reapply VCO as often as other skincare oils. In addition, its stable molecular structure ensures that it has a longer shelf life without the need of chemicals or preservatives.

Now get out there and give your skin the nourishment it deserves!


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